
Real Estate News

Real estate, Investing and Legal News and Insights From Charles P. Castellon, Esq., Founder of Castle Legacy and Probate Hats

Solutions for Landlords in the Time of Covid-19

The Crisis The Covid-19 pandemic will continue to cause distress in commercial and residential real estate markets. The crisis has caused a sharp increase in tenant defaults, a growing national “rent strike” movement. There are also business closures, and unemployment, among other sudden impacts. Read

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Use Land Trusts To Protect Your Assets

By Charles P. Castellon, Esq. (c) 2020 All rights reserved. Use Land Trusts To Protect Your Assets If you own real estate assets, you should know about asset protection strategies. Real estate investors have long used land trusts in Florida to hold title to their

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Unlock the Secret to Wealth Building for Realtors

Discover the Investment Strategies That Top Realtors Use to Build Lasting Wealth and Financial Security